
Video Data Services
406 Chestnut Street
Union, NJ 07083


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Sounds of the past/ reel to reel audiotapes and cassette tapes

I’ve had the pleasure recently to transfer several very meaningful audiotapes to cd for my customers…one audiocassette had a father singing a collection of his favorite songs dedicated to his wife and children. Another had several songs recorded by an up and coming band (from 20 years ago) whose lead singer had recently passed away. Another reel to reel tape had a child singing nursery rhymes with his mom in 1968. The memories were irreplaceable…and several of the tapes had started to degrade significantly, I captured the audio to our editing system and applied noise reduction, eq, and track separation and brought these maganificent recordings back to life…to be enjoyed and cherished once again…This week I finished a 30 hr. restoration project on our newest reel to reel audio deck…the Teac a4010s 4 track stereo 1/4″ reel to reel, completely rebuilding it and bringing back into mint condition (it was originally manufactured around 1965)…the deck is now ready to handle your most important 1/4″ audio reels…so go through the attic, basement, closets…and dig them out..and bring em in…I’m looking forward to gettting them over to cd for you …so they can be enjoyed once more…so stop by anytime…and even if you don’t have any reels…stop by anyway to say hello…I’ve got a brand new box of York Peppermint Patties on the counter…come on by and have’s on the house!
